Sunday, June 30, 2024

These Goddamned HAIRS

I fucking can't stand HAIRS. Especially my own long strands of bullshit: on the counter, in the sink ... getting wrapped around my fingers.

It drives me crazy: the sensations, their menacing wispy omnipresence. Their motherfucking DEFIANCE.

There is something so fucking gross about them all curled up in slimy wet kitchen moisture when im trying to wipe up the counters.

They are like inanimate ninjas. Tiny tickling ghost zombie legions borne of my own stupid fucking head and its relentless SPINNING SPINNING SPINNING and shedding. Trailing long thin poltergeists of death everywhere I go.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Pedestal STINKS: II

As I try to get the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube and onto my toothbrush, I am reminded again how fucking much PEDESTAL SINKS SUCK!

It's painful enough trying with all the might of my tiny fingers to squeeze any lingering remnants of toothpaste out of a spent tube, but INFURIATING not being able to keep the wee bit of toothpaste extended far enough AND STAY THERE long enough to apply it to the bristles.

It's comical, really. Squeeze with both hands and EMERGE! Let go with one hand to grab toothbrush and ... IT DISAPPEARS!! SQUEEZE! EMERGE! GRAB! DISAPPEAR!

If I had a reliable flat surface to set my fucking toothbrush on and didn't have to HOLD it, THIS WOULDN'T BE A FUCKING PROBLEM. But oh ... PEDESTAL SINK. How fucking ELEGANT and shit this is, half-useless as fuck. There is not enough room to set the toothbrush down without it falling off the edge onto the dirty fucking floor, or just tipping over right at the critical moment because of those soap-holder bumps.

this shit is precarious as fuck, no?

With the house we live in now I'm less likely to totally blame the dude who built it. It's a unique and beautiful creation and we've been lucky to inhabit its spaces for years  He made it with a lot of second-hand and discarded materials, so it's likely the pedestal sink I'm complaining about was salvaged at low or no cost. Aesthetically, it's nice in the super-tiny bathroom space, too.

But from a practical standpoint? Dude ... it would have been fucking helpful to maximize the extremely limited space in this tiny bathroom with a sink with some built-in storage, or just one where if you set your toothbrush on the edge of the sink it wouldn't fucking fall straight into the fucking toilet, which is right next to the stupid sink.

Maybe he even intended to replace it with something better, because it's not even properly attached to the floor. Like, we can just rock it from side to side. It could be lifted clean off the floor, if someone were to be in the mood to pick up a pedestal sink. And I am often in the mood to pick up a pedestal sink, if only to THROW IT OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW, but there is only a skylight in this tiny bathroom, and I"m not quite strong enough to lift the sink above my head AND break the glass. Besides, it would lack dramatic catharsis and would probably not even fly off the roof, but would just land on its side and stay there ... a sink on a roof.

There are a lot of unfinished details in this house ... loose ends of wiring and switches and shit that didn't quite get connected up to actually function. But again, the house is uniquely beautiful, even if a lot of practical things are not fully-functional.

It's a small house, and compromises had to be made for him to fulfill his vision, I guess. Like this one tiny bathroom? It's the ONLY bathroom in the house, and it's UPSTAIRS. Up a beautiful, space-efficient, terrifyingly-steep and dangerous little winding set of stairs. There is no bathroom on the ground floor. It is the furthest thing from accessible for guests with balance issues or limited mobility, let alone anything more challenging. But I guess that's a nice excuse to not be able to host my elderly mom at our place? She's been known to sleepwalk, so even if she can get upstairs to sleep in our bed, I'm petrified she will plummet down the stairs and crack her damn head open if she toddles down the hallway to go pee (in this one bathroom located at the top of the stairs, where one who is unfamiliar with the house in the middle of the night could, even if not somnambulating, mistake the open bathroom door on the left for a closed bathroom door on the right, leading in actuality, when swung, TO THE DEEP DARK DEATH FUNNEL STAIRCASE OF DOOM).

But I digress.

The point I'm trying to make is about PEDESTAL SINKS, and how they are the most pretentious aesthetic dysfunctional insults to the civilized contemporary human with sanitation and storage needs.

If you have space in a bathroom for a fully-functional sink and surrounding surface, but instead choose to install a piece of shit pedestal, AT LEAST install a flat surface and storage adjacent to it. These could come in the form of a period-specific chest of low drawers with a tray placed atop it to be able to set a wet toothbrush whilst protecting the antique wood. I mean, that's just one idea. You fuckers are the ones with the money to "custom build" so you *should* have a superior intellect and problem-solving capabilities but OMG nevermind we all know that is not even remotely true how did you get so rich assholes not talking about our home-builder but like the people selling their homes for the bazillions of dollars with these POS sinks in them.