I really want to bitch about our cunt-ass neighbor's wind chimes, but the truth is ... they really don't bother me. I mean ... I might even actually kind of like them.
Still. Where do you get the fucking entitlement to fucking hang some noisy-ass clangy-ass shit up and FORCE ALL OF YOUR NEIGHBORS TO LISTEN TO IT DAY AND NIGHT?!?!? Like ... where do you get off?
She's probably using them to ward off evil spirits. Like the evil spirit she moved her self-centered ass in next to.
Me. The evil spirit is me.
I can appreciate the magic in it: using bells to dispel bad energy.
I'm not really an evil spirit. But I can see how other people might perceive me as such. And GOOD. *****GOOOOOOOD****** I'm glad you fucking think so. Stay the fuck away from me.
And maybe try not to be such bitch-ass self-wanking pretentious inconsiderate motherfuckers over there.