Thursday, July 28, 2022

Shitty Search Results ... Even on Bookworm Sites :(

 I know I should be over search engine & algorithm etc shenanigans, but I feel like Goodreads didn't used to be like this; I typed in INHERITORS (the entire title of hardcover book published in 2020 checked out from public library so ... not like a zine with no ISBN that someone mimeographed 99 copies of in the 1970s and distributed by hand at one rally in Topeka, KS) and seven books that don't even have that specific word show up before this one that I'm looking for! 

Instead we see

Allllllll of that fucking bullshit before we get to what I'm looking for:

This shit shouldn't surprise and enrage me every time it happens after almost two entire decades of google cunting up anybody looking for my super-campy, super-specific, super-not-used-by-anyone-else performance name which is also my domain name which is obviously what someone is looking for when they type it in. But search engines don't care what you -- THE SEEKER -- are really looking for; they only care about people paying for ad placement and fake sites with fake content designed and composed with nonsense to be "optimized" for search engine placement to make it APPEAR you have what people are looking for so just a bunch of maniacally repeated keywords and redundant bullshit phrases. And if you are in any way pornographic, it's pretty much impossible to even pay to be ranked higher by search engines.

But that's not what the problem is with Goodreads. I'm guessing search just got shittier when they (had to) give/gave in to Amazon. I could be wrong, though. And it's such a pointless losing game of frustration to dig deeper (and the algorithms chance so frequently) that I don't want to bother researching it.

Is part of the problem that maybe most people do not bother to type what they're looking for in full and/or correctly, and everything is adjusted for that? Which is fucking STUPID, even if true, since if someone types a real word into a fucking BOOK search engine that corresponds EXACTLY with an actual fucking BOOK that exists on that site ... JESUS. 

It's like the generational difference I notice between someone my age (49 in 2002 / born in 1973) vs people ten or twenty years younger than I am; when they watch me search for, say, a video on YouTube and get annoyed when I keep typing instead of fucking pausing after a couple of letters for autocomplete / predictive text / what-have-you to GUESS what I'm looking for (tell me I don't know what I want and suggest some other popular bullshit I'm not even looking for man I need to write a few jokes / hilarious examples here) ... I fear there are, like, two+ generations of people at this point who grew up with shit being fucked up like this, that they're waiting TO BE TOLD what they're looking for. That they don't ever even know, that they're just completely conditioned to feel a vague interest in something then LET THE MACHINES tell them what it SHOULD be before they've even fully formulated any actual desire or clarified any genuine need. It's scary as fuck. And, for better or worse, it's also fucking untrue because kids these days ... the way these fuckers will drill down to micronuanced minutiae ... JFC.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Side-by-Side SEA LEVEL stupidheads

 Check out this bullshit fact-checking news flash:

Side-by-side photo comparison can't determine sea level change, scientists and fact-checkers report / Twitter

NO SHIT, motherfuckers?!? You need someone to explain to you about fucking TIDES?!?

Apparently so. Apparently a whole shitload of people are so ignorant and easily-bamboozled, they think some dumb-ass then-and-now comparison photos taken in the same place are proof that climate change isn’t real, the glaciers aren’t melting, etc. NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT HERE. All that’s just “fake news”, and we have the photos to prove it! Can’t argue with that! Or so they aggressively slobber.

But how willfully ignorant am *I* that any of this still surprises me? That it raises my heart rate in frustration? Everything about the Facebook-meets-Trump era has confirmed that a dangerously large portion of the population is under-educated, media-illiterate and easily-manipulated. Even the smart and literate ones *want* to believe — are bound and DETERMINED to believe or at least fanatically embrace and repeat — whatever serves their lazy-ass or evil-motivated agendas of fear, hate and/or violently self-serving power-and-resource-hoarding consume-for-the-moment and prep-for-JESUS’-second-coming (a deluded fantasy cooked up fairly recently in Christianity’s timeline and popularized for profit and the powerful thrill of twisting weak minds by charlatans in the 1970s). So why do I bother getting mad and bitching about each demonstration of people’s idiocy?


The good news is I paused and stopped before re-tweeting a link to this featured moment:

Let's try to not be so willfully ignorant. There is no excuse for most people to fall for & buy into this level of stupidity, or to be able to manipulate people with such incredible bullshit dumbassness.

THE TIDE. People haven't heard of it? JFC.

The (other) good news is I stopped to think about why I know about tides; I live and grew up in Western Washington where lots of stores of all different types SOLD tide tables on prominent display right by the cash registers, I had the privilege of taking Marine Biology in high school and Oceanography in college, my parents taught us things like which directions the sun rise and set at and took us outside to see meteor showers, and the newspapers had tide tables printed inside them too along with the weather so even if you didn’t experience for yourself what low tide smells like, you knew about this phenomenon of saltwater rising and falling to wildly varying levels and that fishermen and people with boats — of which there are many of both around here — need this information for safe travels and good fishing.

I wasn’t born with any measurable knowledge of tides (beyond the possibility that some of this information is programmed into us as animals living on this blue planet), and neither was anybody else. So even if tides are an observable phenomenon, maybe I’m just lucky to know better than take side-by-side photos of water levels someplace as evidence that sea levels haven’t changed / aren’t changing.

Point is, REACTING and calling people stupid may not be entirely fair and for sure is not the best tactic for getting people to learn.

It’s just so fucking gross though when the same people are shown images of water levels dropped dramatically and dangerously low in reservoirs like Lake Mead (the largest reservoir in the US in terms of water capacity) and they just … ignore it. Don’t bother to see that as evidence that WE ARE FUCKING OURSELVES quickly towards a parched inferno of hellish tortured extinction.

Or not shown. The truth is most people are not shown these images; it is not reported on in the news EVERY FUCKING DAY like the dire warnings this shit should be. It is not sexy, it is grim and people feel very motivated to stay in denial and seize any picture of reassurance some unethical shills will feed them.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Real Time Off for Bitches

I'm learning how much "bitchier" I am when/because I don't get any restorative thoroughly-hermitted solitary uninterrupted non-working flowy dreamy introvert time off.

I'm working on accepting what I truly need for restful leisure time, how much of it I need, how often I need it ... and actually PLANNING for, RESOLVING to, and TAKING IT.

The truth is I have been punished (all introverts and neuro-divergent/non-neurotypical or highly sensitive people are punished) for needing solitude, and choosing it. Enjoying it. "Rejecting" other people in favor of time alone.

It has taken me decades of experience (I'm almost fifty) and a lot of recent learning to understand THIS IS NOT A CHARACTER FLAW. It is the way I am wired. I am not less-deserving of rest and leisure than other people. I am not "selfish" for needing it. AND I AM NOT A BITCH just because I am wired this way: to love sleeping alone and spending whole days reading without talking to anybody.

But I *am* a serious fucking hardcore bitch-ass crazy person when I do not get it. So no matter how you slice it, it is a *need* if I am going to function in this world and/or have to interact with people at all, ever.

So after I post this and do the dishes ... I am going into serious staycation airplane mode for one day and a couple of nights, all by myself. At home (my wife is traveling for work / just left this afternoon).

I have done a very poor job of prioritizing this kind of time off. I have felt guilty and ashamed of it, and not PLANNED on it the way other plan weekends full of partying and potlucks and catching up with friends and family. Not taking care of myself -- forcing myself to do social work as a "reward" when I take time away from paying work -- has led to a lot of suffering. For me, AND for the people who love me.

I'm almost fifty and I don't want to go into my golden years just being a tired prickly bitch. I want to be happy and healthy and radiant! If people think resting and enjoying myself in my off time makes me a bitch, so be it. But I'm not seeing or responding to or getting any kind of notifications tomorrow from people communicating that kind of bullshit, demanding I be accessible to them. Time off means being fortified by DO NOT DISTURB signs and boundaries alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll around my entire being.

This stuff is super fucking central to this idea of what makes someone a "bitch".

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


 You know how you estimate time for little itty bitty simple chores, not counting on them being more complex and multi-faceted with unforeseen challenges?

Yeah … I know you do. I may have bitched about this before, especially when those little nothing-to-it chores are HOUSEWORK in the domain of devalued women’s (bitch’s) work.

It’s especially frustrating when these tasks are viewed as so little and simple that any dummy should be able to knock them out with effortless speed and efficiency without breaking a sweat or frizzing a hair, all while also participating in a conference call, polishing nails, and preparing and consuming a healthy snack (hint: the most efficient way for the successful woman to eat is to create a video for social media showcasing the simple ingredients list, shopping and preparation, and save time and reduce calories by skipping the steps of eating, savoring and digesting it).

Anyway. It’s summer, so I have that simple (not) dum-dum (not) WATER POTTED PLANTS OUTSIDE tasks on my to-do list. It should be intrinsically rewarding! A breath of fresh air! Not really a chore at all! So full of fucking gratitude for the water and the plants and the going out of doors when other people are stuck in offices standing around water coolers getting paid to gossip and throw back complimentary work-provided coffee and cake every other day for some lazy coworker’s birthday whose name they don’t even know!!!

But it’s my first backyard-watering of the year after winter and a very long and (thankfully) wet spring. So the hose is still disconnected. And the faucet is hidden behind overgrown weeds and extra bushed-out bushes. So I have to trim some of that back.

Then I have to uncoil the hose and straighten it out, in part to prevent me attaching it to the faucet and inadvertently tying it in (a) knot(s) and making it more difficult to unravel once attached. So I get the hose untangled from itself (and in so doing have to tear through and pull up long weedy grass clumps that have grown around the hose; somehow the blades of grass are like long necklace-chain arms that have clasped their hands together, holding on tight to the hose they encircle).

After untangling the hose from itself and the self-weaving grasses, I have to crouch down low to the ground to ATTACH THE HOSE TO THE FAUCET (an extra task I actually recognized as being a real chore of its own and added as a line item to my to-do list, because I am getting better at this: breaking tasks down into subtasks, acknowledging each of them as real work, and giving myself credit for doing each of them, even if I’m still not a pro at setting aside enough time for the inevitable complications) and the hastily pruned branches of the clipped-back brushery scratches the tops of my hands. My squatting muscles are weak and flimsy … I’m shaking and tipping over very quickly as I clink around trying to fit the hose to the faucet when the screwy hose-opening doesn’t even seem bigger-enough than the faucet-screwy.

I can’t remember which way to turn the hose-screwy to attach it to the faucet-screwy. YES I know righty-tighty, lefty-loosey! But is it right from MY vantage point? Or from the faucet’s? I vaguely remember this hose-to-faucet thing being one of those exceptions to the rules, or a *complicating footnote or something to reference in a manual’s appendix (#for certain models of screwy things, see appendix 3b for wall-mounted jars and pipe-shaped lids).

I try a few revolutions this way (counter-clockwise from my perspective) but give up quickly when it the hose gains no purchase on the faucet, then a few revolutions the other way (clockwise, it looks like) which seems to get it threaded so I keep turning hopefully, then do a test-pull and of course I’ve just been clinkily screwing air.

At this point I shift from squatting to kneeling, thereby soiling my pants (the knees and calves, dumbass — I did not shit myself … this time) so I can get a closer look at the couplings with my extremely visually-impaired genetically-inferior eyes. This accomplishes nothing, providing zero clarifying details.

I don’t want to squander all of my squat and screw muscles without knowing and being fully-confident of the correct way to turn the hose onto the faucet, so I decide to switch to attempting to screw and unscrew hoses by the front of the house on a more easily-accessible faucet installed higher by an unobscured corner without pokey shrubbery.

This, too, proves more complicated than I imagined. While I attached this hose only a couple weeks ago, I do not remember which direction I did it, and I do not know if our landlord left the water off or on so now I am also confused about which direction to turn the actual knob to unleash or stop the flow of water. This faucet is newer and shinier and I seem to have connected it very tightly, so now when I fail to unscrew the hose I’m not sure if it’s because I’m going the wrong direction or because it’s just on there really tight. I do not know if I am making it worse/tighter. I do not know if I am making it better/looser, and in so doing if I’m about to get drenched with water. I put my ear close to see if I can hear anything, but on the other side of this wall is the washing machine where I (very efficiently) began a load of laundry right before I tackled this hose task-turned-project so I can’t tell whether the running-water noises are connected to this outside faucet or the inside washer.

I try spinning the blue-snowflake knob to see if water squeezes out  or changes the sound of things or makes the hose fatter or skinnier but I can’t make any sense of it and go back and forth and back and forth: right, left, right, left, right, left. Some water gushes out and I can’t get a firm-enough grasp on the shiny screwy metal parts to loosen the hose from the faucet, so I go to get some grippy garden gloves. But along the way I take a detour to google this shit.

Which way do you turn a hose to unscrew it, which direction to you screw on a hose when facing faucet, etc. But all the results are for videos of how to loosen a stuck-on hose or unclear explanations containing information I already had: lefty loosey right tighty, and counter-clockwise to unscrew, clockwise to screw on … but with no information about which way you’re oriented relative to a faucet, rendering these words totally fucking useless. Like … which thing is the lid and which thing is the jar? I think the hose is the lid and the faucet is the jar, but it still isn’t working. I mean … with a jar the only way to orient yourself incorrectly is to fucking turn the jar itself upside down and try to put the lid on the threadless closed-bottom of the fucker. This problem is a lot like trying to tell a new incompatible sex friend which side of the bed is his and which side IS MINE; you take the left side, the right side is mine (but *he* thinks I mean the right side when you're OUTSIDE of the bed, oriented from the foot of the bed instead of from the perspective of being IN the bed, seated against the headboard). Is this like stage left and stage right? I don't know. I am not an actor. I am a bitch trying to get a job done, and everything should be oriented according to MY operational vantage point.

I gave up on the internet answering my question, put the gloves on, used some elbow grease … and finally figured it out.

So the plants did eventually get some water, but I’ll be damned if I can remember now what the answer is; the very next day and I’ve already forgotten which way to screw a hose onto a dumb-ass faucet.