Tuesday, February 04, 2025

My Limit: Print-on-Demand T-shirts

I do have a limit when it comes to what kind of fast fashion I will purchase, and it is a certain kind of graphic t-shirt.

First, I am super tired of everybody having "merch", and most of it un-unique and totally unnecessary. At the same time, though, I understand the appeal of tangible goods to fanbases that might not otherwise spend money to support your work, but will totally go for the tee (or hoody or hat etc). I have considered getting some of these things. Maybe I've even bought some.

Where I draw the line, though, are these printed t-shirts with just a rectangular image or photo on the chest or back. Just ... a big rectangle. It's like the laziest, ugliest, stupidest fucking thing to put across your boobs and such a shitty waste of money and sweatshop labor and materials and resources and body space.

The only exception to this is if it's a knockout print, like where the graphic is a rectangle BUT the background and many (preferably MOST) of the rectangle's edges are the (unprinted) color of the fabric of the shirt. Usually these are one-color graphics. I think these are called knockouts, but I'm not 100% sure and I'm too lazy to look it up. But I promise you, if I were to sell shirts and whatnot, I WOULD ABSOLUTELY VERIFY THE BASICS OF THIS KIND OF THING FIRST.

Obviously the "problem" is people using on-demand print and clothing sales platforms who do not have even the slightest concept of printing or style or JFC any basic good taste. But then I see people who absolutely do have enough of an eye and background in art and composition and shit selling this crap and OMG it's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me visually.

I'll admit, though, sometimes I'm fucking tempted to see how this shit sells. Just ... print a fucking picture I've snapped on a white fucking t-shirt and call it good. {{{shrug}}}

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