Thursday, October 05, 2023

Lucky Break For My Unborn Children

Housework makes me homicidal.

Especially cleaning up after other people. Even loved ones. I almost always fucking hate it. It is bad enough trying to clean up after myself and manage my own shit.

This is the moment where women look at me with horror and say, "good thing you don't have kids!" And today, while sweating and cleaning and barely making a dent in the squalor, I'd secretly agree with them while also wanting to punch them in the face.

I totally understand why women lose their shit when some insensate family member sweeps in like a tornado, dropping shit everywhere and smearing goo and grubby fingers on everything immediately after cleaning up the kitchen or vaccuuming the living room floor or putting all the clutter away. I understand why someone would get up early to do the housework so they could enjoy the peaceful orderly cleanness of their self-made sanctuary while everyone else is at school and/or work.

I do *not* understand, however, women who do all of this AND MORE while working outside of the home full time who do NOT feel homicidal, or at least insist on hiring help to do the housekeeping. HOUSEWORK IS REAL WORK HOUSEWORK IS REAL WORK HOUSEWORK IS REAL WORK IT IS HARD WORK IT IS ***VALUABLE***. 

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